4 Ways to Immediately Improve Your Ad Career

If you’re like most people, your career isn’t where you want it to be. The number one reason people leave a job is a lack of growth and opportunity. If you’re feeling discouraged about your career, lack of development probably tops the reason list for why. Before you decide to bail on your present job, construct a plan for going forward that improves your situation.

1. Take a look in the mirror. Before laying blame on your career difficulties, assume the causes are self-made. If your work peers are getting better opportunities, your lack of growth may be due to not delivering well on your current responsibilities. Ask coworkers you trust how they have succeeded. Ask for a critique of your performance in that regard.

2. Talk to your boss. The way to approach a discussion with your boss about what you want is to offer something beneficial to your company. Perhaps it’s working on a new business effort or improving the company’s marketing. Come up with a few ideas and bring them to the meeting. Your boss will appreciate your attitude. If he or she doesn’t, go to the next step.

3. Figure out what you want before you make a move. The first thing many people I coach say is, “Get me out of here.” I remind them that leaving a job isn’t an assurance of getting what you need from the next one. First, prepare a career analysis. You wouldn’t sail around the world without a compass. Why try to navigate your career without a destination in mind? An assessment of goals allows you to prepare productively and get the job you need to succeed.

4. Be ready to move before you do. Your current portfolio may not attract your ideal employer. Since we only get one chance to make a first impression, make sure your work shows what you’re able to do, rather than what you’ve done. Quality companies hire people that make them better. If you can’t demonstrate that ability, you won’t get in the door. A current or past employee of your targeted company can give you insight as well. An honest critique of your current portfolio is also invaluable. You want that critique by someone who has succeeded at what you want to do. They also need to be willing to deliver bad news. Make it clear that you are prepared for a critical analysis of your work.

There are a lot of things that contribute to doing the best work of your career. Figure out what you want most. Find talented mentors. Put in the work needed to improve.