2020 IN 20/20: A challenging year made us better.

For most people, this year is without comparison. We certainly don’t want to repeat it, but there are many things that trials teach us, and 2020 is not the exception. In fact, after reviewing the year, you may find you’re better at your job. Overcoming the challenges you faced may foster opportunities that would not otherwise become available.

You had time to reflect.

There has been more free time. You saved commuting time to and from work. How did you use it? Many used that time to work on skills and improve their portfolios. When you are back to the grind of traffic, keep scheduling time to improve. It is worth the sacrifice of playing video games or binging on Netflix.

You found innovative ways to solve problems.

Many ad pros had to reinvent how to do a job that required the close collaboration of others. Virtually working with one another is now expected. We quickly assimilated. Now we are more efficient without sacrificing quality. As you work toward career goals, remember that no obstacle defeats a resilient and dedicated attitude.

You learned to prioritize.

Nothing teaches value more than losing what is taken for granted. We lost a lot of freedom this past year. We adjusted behavior for the good of all. We learned that simple things in life are essential. Evaluating what we want in our career will never be the same. You now know yourself better. Prioritize your needs and wants as you execute your career plan.

Like all the past, we will one day romanticize the year we just struggled through. The pain will ebb, and we will bring good memories to the forefront. Hopefully, one of those memories will be how overcoming hardship improved our work. Most assuredly, we will remember how it made us better people.