Three things to do at the end of every year to make career improvements.

The end of the year is a natural time to step back and evaluate career progress. I receive many inquiries from people frustrated with their careers seeking advice on how to change the current path of their careers. Having the career that you’re meant to have requires a long-term approach. To evaluate career progress, I suggest reviewing three things at the end of each year.

1. Evaluate the past year using a list of your highest achievements, skills you learned, and failures and obstacles you faced. From that evaluation, set goals for the next year.

2. Achieve your New Year’s resolution during the first three months of the new year. That’s right, crush it before the end of the first quarter. Most people make a goal (even a lofty one) for the coming year to achieve in a short amount of time. This tempts one to procrastinate. Which tempts one to forsake it because they believe they haven’t the time left in the year to achieve it. Move the deadline up and get started the January 2. Don’t be surprised if you complete it well before March 31.

3. Get mad and get even. It’s normal to get down on yourself for not progressing in your career. There can be a lot of reasons that are out of your control. But there is one thing in your power that makes not achieving your goal your responsibility: you. Promise yourself that as obstacles arise during the coming year, you will not give up until you have overcome all of them.

You may have a lousy job, boss, opportunities, teammates, pay, perks – it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you will not be denied. Time to do what you know, you need to be doing to succeed every year.

Bart ClevelandComment